Day 9 – June 26: To JW Wells State Park, MI

as journaled by Brittany 

40 miles


So… Myself and the other residents of Tentville, currently located in Bay Shore, had an interesting night to say the very least. It rained. A lot. (Let it be known I am the master of sarcastic understatement)

Thing is, we knew it was going to rain last night. Prepared for it too, in a way I thought rather excessive at the tie. But last night was the kind of storm that, if I were home, I would have loved to listen to from the cozy warmth of my covers. (Both these adjectives, by the way, are banned from being said around our campsite at the moment.) I usually love It when it rains at night, because it’s outside while I’m in, and there’s really nothing better to help you appreciate the comforts of your own bed. But all that becomes rather pointless when you have a leaky tent and the rain can get inside: which is just what it did last night.

At lease it’s sunny now, I guess.




Welcome to Michigan!


We’ve found the perfect place to eat- even if we have to do it barefoot. There’s a small, mostly shady (meaning we have a spot to try and dry things out in the sun) picnic area halfway down a hill that separates the Michigan Welcome Center (holy smokes we’re in Michigan already!), complete with bathroom and water fountain, from the parking lot of a supermarket, where Mommy can go pick up some more food while we get set up.

Only problem is, the area separating the parking lot from the stairs leading up to the picnic area is flooded, thanks to the rain-we-do-not-speak-of. So we’re eating barefoot.

I don’t mind.



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